1 Jul 2007


"SOY SAUCE" is "SHOUYU" in Japanese, do you know what's this? SOY SAUCE is made from soybean(DAIZU), almost it's necessary sauce of Japanese food. We use it sometimes for food boiled and seasoned, with SUSHI, and stuff. Anyway it's necessary.
Few days ago, I got news about soy sauce. I told you soy sauce is made from SYBEAN, but that crazy country(C), they use hair to make soy sauce. HAIR! I can't believe it. It's HUMAN's HAIR!
Many things made in C, I guess you have it something by C. Because if the company want to make something, they do it in C, because they need to pay poorly paid, I mean cost is cheaper. But HAIR? Nasty! Recently many problem like this is happen. Mmm...
Actually in Japan, some company do it like C, recently very famous shop sale frozen croquette, that maker said "it's beaf 100%", but it was not true. The maker use chicken, poke, and stuff. Frozen croquette sale was stop. But it the same with C. I really ashamed about it. I don't want to think the maker is Japanese.
Anyway I speak evil of C sometimes in this blog, but I never don't like them, I've a friend from C, and I know everyone not strange, but this SOY SAUCE news is true. It's a harrible case.


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