Recently there're many strange news in Japan. I can't to choice what is good news in this blog. I want to write Japanese news that is funny and surprise and like that. But recently there's really bad news. I'm ashamed it and terrified. Especialy murder case. I thought that murderer who have mental disorder. But now if murder who is mental disorder, there's a lot of like them here.
In few days ago, the boy died. The boy who was hight school student, 18 years old. He played the football in the park with his old friends. But I guess not real friends. Because his old friends is bully. I don't know what happened with them, but his old friends beat up him over 2 hours and killed at last. And there were some audience who were children.
That's too bad news. But it's Japanese.
In few days ago, the boy died. The boy who was hight school student, 18 years old. He played the football in the park with his old friends. But I guess not real friends. Because his old friends is bully. I don't know what happened with them, but his old friends beat up him over 2 hours and killed at last. And there were some audience who were children.
That's too bad news. But it's Japanese.